With the All-on-4® treatment concept, Glendale patients have a new opportunity to replace missing or decaying teeth with a healthy and attractive smile.

Lytle, Tate and Stamper is an established oral and maxillofacial surgery practice serving the San Gabriel Valley and San Fernando Valley. With our expertise in the All-on-4® treatment concept, La Canada, Glendale, and Pasadena patients can take advantage of advanced techniques and technology for better oral health.

Learn more below about the advantages that the All-on-4® treatment concept offers.

Immediate Results

In a typical dental implant, the implant and cap procedures take place in different appointments. This gives the implant time to grow stronger after the surgeon has put it in place. Between those procedures, you would wear temporary replacement teeth.

The All-on-4® treatment concept is different. Glendale patients who have the procedure can replace their entire lower and / or upper set of teeth in a single day. They can use these teeth immediately as though they were natural teeth.


The typical implant process requires multiple dental implants throughout the jaw. Not every patient has enough bone mass, however. Over time, people can lose bone in the area of their missing teeth. As a result, the implant may not have a proper foundation to take hold without additional bone graft procedures and integration periods.

The All-on-4® treatment concept can help Glendale patients even if they lack bone mass in the area of the dental implant. The approach uses four-to-five specially positioned implants that provide strength and stability (rather than the larger number of implants that the typical approach can require.)

Time Savings

Bone graft procedures mean patients have to set up separate oral surgery procedures and wait until the grafts have fully integrated. This delays the entire dental implant process.

Fortunately, the All-on-4® treatment concept does not require bone grafts. Even if patients lack bone mass in a specific area of their jaw, they may still be good candidates for the procedure, and they will not be delayed for months before they can have their surgery.


Dental implants offer a significant improvement in function, appearance, and comfort to patients who have missing or decaying teeth. However, typical dental implants take time, require more implants in the jaw, and may involve additional procedures, such as bone grafts. This can increase the cost.

The All-on-4® treatment concept eliminates much of this expense. Patients only need four-to-five implants per arch and don’t require bone grafts, which saves them time and money.

Choosing the All-on-4® Treatment Concept

Your restorative dentist can analyze your dental arch, teeth, and jaw to help you evaluate your options. Alternatively, you are invited to contact Lytle, Tate and Stamper to discuss our procedures and to learn more about the advantages each offers. Our oral and maxillofacial surgeons can help guide you towards a solution that will best fit your needs.

To learn more about the All-on-4® treatment option in Glendale, contact Lytle, Tate and Stamper by email or telephone. For out-of-town patients looking to get the All-on-4® treatment concept, we offer a convenient concierge package.